Finally Kayak Owner

We started paddling mid August, and have since been kayaking two or three times a week, and we’ve logged almost 200 km each in less than three months.

Rental kayak costs are mounting and the economy starting pointing towards buying our own kayaks and gear.

Fortunately, we have had very good possibilities to try various brands and models of kayaks at the shop, and my preferences quickly centered on three different kayaks: Aquanaut from Valley Sea Kayaks; Nordkapp also from Valley; og Tempest 170 from Wilderness Systems.


In the end my choice fell on the Nordkapp. I’ve always enjoyed it when I could get hold of the rental Nordkapp, and I have at times been irritated that the coaches would always pick that for themselves, so I couldn’t use it.

It has often been a challenge since it is the least stable of my favourites but on the other hand it is more slender and faster, and very manoeuvrable. Lets hope the challenge will make me improve my skill faster 🙂

Now I have my kayak, I’m getting frustrated that it is so bloody cold and rainy so we can’t get on the water as often as I’d like.


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