Interesting to note your article on ‘nuraghe in Sardinia’, & the statement that, “nuraghe are UNIQUE to Sardinia”.

What you describe in the article COULD VERY EASILY BE RE-LABELLED as an ‘Overview of the Zimbabwe Ruins’ [hence new name of the country].

The One Primary Difference appears to be that, in Zimbabwe, several [6, I think] Stone ‘Tablets’ [for want of a better word] were found with the carved image of a “Zimbabwe Bird” Perched on top – one of these is in the Bulawayo Museum.
It is thought that these ‘Zimbabwe Birds’ were symbols of the Ruling Royalty of those times [long-gone].
Again, the site is “Strategically Situated” in a position which commands the Valley.

THERE HAVE BEEN repairs/modifications to the original structures but due to the difference in style, are believed to have been made by ‘Later Occupants’.

Like those You mention in Sardinia, Zimbabwe is surrounded by high stone walls.

The ‘Tower Structures’ within the enclosure are so large, & tall, that a photo of my wife next to one makes her look like a childs’ small toy doll in comparison.

This area has a ‘history’ of danger/conflict which still exists as it is well outside of the town limits in the natural bush, – Thus, if you are interested in the place; suggest you research it on the internet or at the Library – much safer.

Our exploration of the site was brought to an abrupt end with machine-gun fire just a little way up the valley & the sudden arrival of a Government Helicopter gun-ship.

Hope this is contributes to your own info.
Kind Regards,
Sid []