In Palermo

We’re in Palermo now. The journey went smoothly and we’re fine.

For some reason flight is the opposite of most other commodities, in that the less you pay the more you get. Our itinerary took us therefore first from Copenhagen to London, Stanstead, where we had to collect our luggage as our two flights weren’t connected. We then had a two hour wait before the check-in for the London-Palermo flight opened, which we spend in a slightly italianised Café Alba with the slogan “Vivere con gusto”. Time passed as we tried.

We checked in and boarded a completely crowded plane with a screaming yellow interior, where I incredibly managed to half sleep half the way.

After another three hours flight we approached the airport of Palermo in the dark, the plane swaying left and right due to the strong gusts of wind. Nevertheless, the descent went well, until we were about 10m above the runway, when the plane just seem to smash down into ground with a huge bang. People gasped and screamed, but the landing gear withstood the impact and we swayed on as we drove down the runway towards the terminal building.

When we finally stopped in front of the terminal, we were told to board some shuttle busses waiting for us. I was a bit surprised, as we were just in front of the terminal, but they’ve been changing at lot lately at Palermo airport, so we boarded the busses and waited patiently for them to fill up. Then, the busses started, drove 30m forwards, turned slightly to the right, continued for another 20m and stopped in front of the terminal, maybe 15m from the nose of the plane.

Our bags were there.


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