I’m in Marina di Arbus on the Costa Verde. Today’s paddle was from San Giovanni di Sinis across the mouth of the Golfo di Oristano to Capo Frasca, and then down the coast, with a lunch break at Torre di Flumentargiu.
The forecast for today was for maestrale, force 3 to 4, most of the day, but it turned out different. When I got up at 8, there was very little wind, and from north. With a 10km crossing, north to south, in front of me, I hurried to get on my way. The crossing went smoothly and quite fast. I sometime forger just how fast the Skim Distance can be, and I was across in less than an hour and a half, without even making much of an effort.
The next stretch of coastline is very beautiful, with a variety of rocks in many different formations.
I stopped for lunch on a beach near Torre di Flumentargiu. The people in and at the bar were completely astonished about my project, thinking it something worthy a super-adventurer, so I politely refrained from telling them about the a least 10-15 paddlers who have done it before.
This part of the coast is semi-abandoned, with just the occasional village near one of the beaches, or a ruined hotel as an eye-sore on an otherwise incredibly rugged and beautiful landscape.
I have now set up camp on a beach a bit outside the village of Marina di Arbus. Its a place where auto-campers stop, there are four or five of them now, so a small tent on the beach shouldn’t make much of a difference.
We just had a smashing sunset here, with colours matching my Skim Distance.
Tomorrow I hope to reach Buggerru or Masua, but we’ll see how wind and waves conspire. One day at a time.
Camp at San Giovanni di Sinis, Sardinia, day 4 Punta de s’Aschivoni, Sardinia Coastline near Marina di Arbus, Sardinia Abandoned hotel near Marina di Arbus, Sardinia Marina di Arbus, Sardinia Sunset at Marina di Arbus Beaches at Marina di Arbus, Sardinia Sunset at Marina di Arbus, Sardinia Camp at Marina di Arbus, days 5 and 6 Camp at Marina di Arbus, days 5 and 6

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