Nokia 770 crashes

This afternoon the Nokia 770 crashed on my three or four times just after reboot.
It came up, I connected to my wifi and clicked “Refresh” in the News applet. It went unresponsive and rebooted after a while.
The next time I tried to connect twice and it rebooted again.
After several attempts it finally managed to boot and stay up.
I have no idea what it could be. I have used it in that spot before since I got it a few weeks back. Its the first time I experience this kind of failures.
Lets hope it doesn’t happen too often.
It has happened a few other times.
It is bug 295.
Update 2005-11-25: I have uninstalled the Load and Memory applet since it loads at startup.
Update 2005-11-26: Now I flashed the device, so everything is reset to factory default now.


2 responses to “Nokia 770 crashes”

  1. Team Maemo avatar


    Can you report a bug about this to the ?

    Just try to describe how these crashes happened, so we can try and find out the situation and fix it in future software images.

  2. It is bug 295.

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