Category: General Silliness
WordPress drama
The recent drama between Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine has shown clearly what a debacle WordPress governance is.
Post length with ActivityPub
The ActivtyPub plugin is great, but too often sends way too long posts to the Fediverse
A Roman boy in 1912
I’m currently listening to a podcast on the Byzantine Empire, which is very interesting. An episode discussing the identity of the people of the Byzantine Empire mentioned a story of a little boy on an island that had been part of the Ottoman empire but was passing to Greece. A Greek soldier met a small…
I haven’t updated this blog for ages, too much work generally, which naturally gives me no right to complain. To compensate I have picked a one or two photos from each month of 2012, showing a bit of what I’ve been doing this past year. January In January I was back in Denmark to see…
Confirmed: He Who Sits the Most Dies the Soonest
I imagined that spending half my life kayaking would be good for my health, and then this news appears: maybe its time to look more into stand up paddling, or rather, given my current residence, Venetian rowing.
Gondolas in Egypt
I’m not quite sure what to think about this, but I’m fairly confident a lot of Venetian rowers wouldn’t like the way these gondolas are punted rather than rowed.