I have stayed put today, on the beach of Marina di Arbus.
The forecast was for F4 W with waves of 1.5m, that is, straight on the coast with no shelter available and almost certain surf landings. I didn’t feel like confronting that kind of sea around Capo Pecora, so I didn’t.
Tomorrow it will hopefully calm down a little bit, so I will get everything ready tonight for an as early launch as possible tomorrow, and then stop early if I don’t feel up whatever it becomes during the day.
I have spend most of the day today in the little bits of shadow I could find around the beach, watching the waves pounding the beach and the rocks. It has been quite impressive for me, since I’m used to much more sheltered waters, both in Copenhagen and in Venice.
Marina di Arbus is a very small place, with no stores whatsoever, and just one bar for coffee and refreshments. It probably only has some limited existence during the holiday month of July and August.
It would have been a staggeringly boring day if it hadn’t been for my ipod, which I have loaded with everything I’ve got of music and audiobooks. Today I have heard most of Philip Pullman’s “Northern Lights”. Lyra is on her way to Svalbard right now 🙂
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