At the end of the year we’re supposed to reflect on the year that passed. I have found that a bit hard this year, so I’ve decided to leave the reflections to the vaporetto (water bus) platforms of Venice. They do a good job at reflecting 🙂

Santa Maria della Salute

Santa Maria della Salute from the Giglio stop

Palaces on the lower Canal Grande from the Salute stop

San Giorgio Maggiore seen from the S.Marco stop

The Giudecca seen from S.Marco

The Lido seen from S.Zaccharia / S.Marco

San Giorgio Maggiore seen from S. Zaccharia / S. Marco

San Servolo seen from the Giardini stop

The Bacino San Marco seen from the Giardini stop

Santa Maria della Salute from the Giglio stop


One response to “Reflections”

  1. Bob Easton avatar

    Beautiful idea! Even more amazing … the windows are clean enough to make reflections. So often, they are not.

    Thanks for all the pics!

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