Venezia interdizioni kayak - percorsi blu

Kayak ban in Venice – new rules in force from tomorrow

The recent kayaking ban on the Grand Canal and other canals has been partially overturned.

The new rules are explained here. They will be in effect from tomorrow morning, April 23rd. The formal publication of the new rules are on the city’s web site:

Disciplina generale della navigazione nei rii e canali a traffico esclusivamente urbano della Z.T.L. lagunare, Testo Unico delle disposizioni in materia di traffico acqueo, sostituisce con modifiche la regolamentazione precedente costituita dalle ordinanze n° 310/2006, 402/2013, 91-92-93-94-95-96/2015 e altre disposizioni specifiche.


One response to “Kayak ban in Venice – new rules in force from tomorrow”

  1. Geoff Probert avatar
    Geoff Probert

    Hi Rene,
    I am bringing my whaleboat, “Molly”, from the UK to Venice for the Vogalonga (and then the VelaRaid and Velalonga) as we have done for many years. I was disturbed to hear about the ban on rowing on the main canals but have now seen your post that it has effectively been rescinded as from April 23 2015 if we keep to the late afternoons. Has there any further developments on this subject i.e. have the authorities changed the rules again ? We had been thinking about using a small electric motor to move our boat to its mooring before the Vogalonga but that brought its own problems such as where to leave the motor and battery during the even.
    Best wishes
    Geoff Probert

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