Category: General Silliness
Sea Kayak Design
Sea Kayak Design is an Italian kayak brand, well designed and well built. Venice Kayak has three of them, one of each of the original three models. The one on the photos is the 16ft model.
Cool Dog
Hanging out on the beach with the chicks, sporting a pair of Raybans for that cool, in control look.
My First Motorboat
Trying to fit a 4HP out board engine on a piece of Styrofoam. They get extra points for trying 🙂
Water born dog
Not all dogs start life as puppies. Some emerge fully grown out of big buckets of water.
The Joys of Being a Foreigner – Paying Online
This is really nothing new, as it has bothered me for a couple of years now, but since I’ve ended up doing a series of Being a Foreigner posts, I can just as well toss in this grievance too. I have a Vodafone number on my phone, on a prepaid contract as they won’t make…
The Joys of Being a Foreigner – Cittadinanza Digitale
The Cittadinanza Digitale – digital citizenship – is a very laudable project of the City of Venice with the scope of bringing fast wireless internet to all citizens for free. As far as I have understood, the project started when the city got the chance to buy a optic fiber network which covered most of…
The Joys of Being a Foreigner – Opening a Bank Account
When I decided to stay here in Venice for good, one of the first things to do is to open a bank account. You can only have your money lying around in envelopes for about so long 🙂 I went to one of the local banks, the Banco San Marco, and they were very nice…
The Joys of Being a Foreigner – Telecom Italia and Alice
Living in another country always causes problems of one kind or the other. Both public administration and private companies are geared towards the citizens, not foreigners, and justly so. Yet at times you run into problems so stupid its hard not to get a bit annoyed. Telecom Italia is the largest provides of telephony and…