Category: Rowing in Venice
Regata Storica 2013 – the calm between the races
Maybe one of the best things about the Regata Storica is that practically no motorboats are allowed. The Canalazzo returns to some of its original splendor, full of slow and elegant movement, blurred reflections and magical light.
Regata Storica 2013 – men’s race in gondolini
The main event of the Regata Storica is no doubt the men’s race in gondolini, which are very slender gondolas designed especially for racing. The race has for years been a two team match, between the cousins Rudy and Igor Vignotto (this year in the brown boat) and Ivo Tezzat and Giampaolo d’Este (orange). The…
Regata Storica 2013 – race in caorline
A caorlina is a traditional Venetian cargo boat. Originally they were rowed by two persons, but now they’re almost exclusively used for racing, with six oarsmen. Even if they’re big and heavy, with six rowers they’re still fast.
Regata Storica 2013 – women in mascarete
The main race for women during the Regata Storica is fought in mascarete, which is medium sized sandolo traditionally associated with female rowers. In the last years the race in mascarete had been dominate by the couple Luisella Schiavon and Giorgia Ragazzi. With this year’s victory they have won five Regata Storica in a row,…
Regata Storica 2013 – young rowers
The first race of the Regata Storica appears to me more about participating than winning, even if the rowers might think otherwise. Our maybe there were just several races with a lot of participants passing in close succession. There should be a race for young rowers in pupparini , which are beautiful long slender sandoli.…
Regata Storica 2013 – pageants
The initial part of the Regata Storica is a pageant of Venetian boats. Local rowing clubs have some really remarkable boats, like gondolas with 10, 12 or 14 oarsmen, or a peata which is a huge cargo boat used on the rivers. Some boats are from associations that try to promote Venetian rowing like Viva…
Regata Storica 2013
The Regata Storica is the most important rowing event in Venice. It always takes place on the first Sunday of September, this year on the first of September.
Ever since I moved to Venice I have wanted to do more rowing Venetian style, voga alla veneta, where you row standing up and looking forward while pushing the oar, basically like you see the gondolas being rowed around Venice. When I lived on the Lido a few years back, I went rowing at the…
Training in the lagoon
This guy just went up and down a short stretch of lagoon canal behind the Vignole, training in a little corner sheltered from the winds of the day.
End of Season at the Diadora
Today we had the end of season event at the Diadora rowing club, where I should have spent a lot more time this summer. Most of the morning was taken up by ‘social’ regattas for each of the types of rowing practiced in the club, both ‘English’ rowing (backwards in various types of boats), and…
Vogando di nuovo
Last year I started rowing Venetian style, voga alla veneta, where you stand up in the boat, looking forward, pushing on the oar to move forward. I continued Venetian rowing when I returned to Venice this spring, but then work took over, and I haven’t been rowing for several months now. Yesterday I finally went…