Compiz 0.5 arrived in unstable a while ago. I usually run testing, but the Compiz 0.3.6 I used came from experimental. Unfortunately, an installation of Compiz 0.5 from unstable on a testing system would update libc6 and hence almost all of the system to unstable. I waited.
The libc6 update passed into testing recently, and I upgraded Compiz from unstable afterwards. Disaster.
Initially, Compiz started, but all windows were empty, blank, void. The windows were there, I could click on links in a browser window, but I could see nothing but a blank window. Pop-up menus didn’t even display, though they too were there, but invisible.
After much experimenting and searching and reading fora and blogs (using a Metacity session), I discovered that I needed to update the the latest version of xserver-xorg-core from unstable. That solved the blank window problem.
Now I could see the content of my windows. It is actually quite nice, once you’ve tried the opposite 🙂
The windows had no decorations, however. No titlebar, no borders, but naked and ashamed.
This was a bit harder to solve, but in the end I discovered that the package “libdecoration0” had version 0.3.6, so it had not been upgraded for some reason, probably due to an unversioned depends rule in the Compiz packages.
A manual upgrade of libdecoration0 solved the problem, and now Compiz 0.5 works very well on my little laptop.

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