Customisation of my Nokia 770

This is mostly a check list for myself. I flashed my Nokia 770 without having a backup of my changes, so I had to redo all my customisations.


Jamil the BeautifulI have to have a picture of my beagle Jamil on the home display. Images for display on the “Web shortcut” have to be 278×122 pixels. They’re set by clicking on “Home” (the application menu) and “Web shortcut details”. I also change the link to go to which is a lot more useful than a local page with an image of the tablet.
The default theme is too dull and grey. I like the more lively theme 3. It can be changed by clicking “Home | Screen | Personalisation”. One day I have to figure out how to make my own theme 🙂
I prefer to have the interface in English, but I want time and date to display in a more continetal fashion, so in the Clock application in the dialog “Clock | Tools | Regional settings …” I set my “Region” to Denmark and the “Device language” to English.
In the Control Panel, under “Text Input” I have to enter Danish as a second language. Otherwise I’ll have to email my mother in English 🙂 Under “Sound” I set the “Key sounds” to Off, and set “System alerts” to “Level 2”. I don’t feel any need for an audible feedback when using the keys. They are quite fine as they are. I do like to hear when a click on the screen is registered, though.


I want a few extra application on my tablet, which is an Xterm, an IRC client, an IM client, an ssh client, and something to make screenshots for this blog.
The place to go for applications for the Nokia 770 is the Application Catalog at
Xterm, X-Chat and Gaim are simple downloads directly from the Application Catalog. Just follow the instructions to open the downloaded files with the “Application installer”. The only thing to setup afterwards are the identities and accounts in the IRC and IM applications.
Setting up Dropbear ssh client and server is a bit harder and includes copying keys around and editing files, but there is a good description at (as always 🙂
Screenshots are a bit more difficult. There are several solutions but I ended up doing my own. I did use the Load and Memory applet for a while, but it is under suspicion for causing spurious crashes and reboots, so I removed it. I’ll write a separate page about the screenshot setup later (promise :-).
Time to do a backup 🙂

Application setup

This is a tedious part. I’ll have to enter my mail settings again, and my bookmarks, and my news feeds, and my preferred radio stations, and …
I won’t bother you with all the details, since it is straight out of the book.


4 responses to “Customisation of my Nokia 770”

  1. hey, I was reading your post and thinking (since you have a Nokia 770 already) do you know if the loudspeaker is also a mic? and also if you knew if it is possible to download a VoIP program (is there any?) to the Nokia 770?

  2. There’s a small hole at the bottom, near the plugs for AC power and usb. Thats the microphone.

    I don’t know if it is a microphone by itself, or if it is a plug for attaching a headset of sorts. The whole audio input thing is still rather mysterious, and there still aren’t any drivers for audio input on the tablet.

  3. Euclides avatar

    Sure that that hole is not a reset button?

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