Gnome desktop links open in epiphany

At some point recently desktop links have started to open in Epiphany, no matter what I do.
I have set Firefox as my preferred browser and I have checked all entries in /etc/alternatives, and everything says ‘firefox’. Still, a link on my desktop will always open in Epiphany, whether I have Firefox running or not.
I have no idea about how to fix it 🙁
UPDATE: It appears desktop links open with the default handler for the mime type “text/html”. Change that to something else and the desktop links will open with that handler. Thanks, Bin Guo.


2 responses to “Gnome desktop links open in epiphany”

  1. Bin Guo avatar

    I’ve been having the same problem for a while, but stumbled on this solution today: save any html file on desktop (or any folder and open it), right click properties, select firefox/iceweasel in the open with tab. Voila, not only the html file will be opened by firefox, the desktop link is also open by firefox!

    I still couldn’t figure out which configuration option in gconf got changed…

  2. Gnome 2.16 questions and quests « Mikes Thoughts

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