This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.
Sorry about that.
If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.
Some featured posts
I have tried for ages to de-google. Not just from Google itself, but all the big ones — Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon. However, de-googling is not easy.
Koha Library Software
Setting up a library management system like Koha is not easy, but once it’s done, registering and cataloguing your books is very easy.
Across the river, into the trees
I spent a good deal of January and February 2021 on a movie set, but it wasn’t a very positive experience
See all featured posts.
Most recent posts
Kayaking ban in Venice
The City of Venice has published a modification to the city traffic rules, which bans kayaks, canoes, dragon boats and others from navigating certain canals. The relevant text is this: Nei Rii principali interni di collegamento: Canal Grande, Cannaregio, Giardini, Greci – San Lorenzo, Santa Giustina – Sant’Antonin – Pietà, Noale, Novo, Ca’ Foscari, Santi…
Venice about to ban kayaks in the city
Ever since the fatal accident in August 2013 there has been a lot of debates about what to do to make boat traffic safer in Venice. There has been little change in the year and a half since the accident. All changes have been blocked or sabotaged by the various vested interests in the city:…
Copenhagen paddle
These photos are from a short paddle in early January in Copenhagen, with our friends Per and Lise. Many thanks to Kajakhotellet for lending us the boats.
A Roman boy in 1912
I’m currently listening to a podcast on the Byzantine Empire, which is very interesting. An episode discussing the identity of the people of the Byzantine Empire mentioned a story of a little boy on an island that had been part of the Ottoman empire but was passing to Greece. A Greek soldier met a small…
New Year at Tivoli
We spend New Year’s evening in Tivoli in Copenhagen, with a handful of Italian friends.
High tide in Venice
We’ve had several days with high water lately here in Venice. Not extreme high water, but enough to be a burden for the locals and an amusement for the tourists. The city canals are very quiet when the tide goes above a certain level, as most boats can no longer pass under the bridges, and…
Reflections in Venice
Throughout October we’ve had some fantastic reflections in the water. Less traffic and a different light are probably the main reasons.
Photography classes II
I did a basic level photography course back in the spring, and in September and October I did the next level course. The teacher was Marc De Tollenaere. This course covered several themes which all build on the basics from the first course, requiring manual adjustments to ISO, aperture and shutter speed to get the…