Tag: Photography
Liberation Day in Venice
I’ve had the great honour of being invited to the official celebration of Liberation Day in Venice by ANPI, the national association of Italian resistance fighters, to photograph their participation in the event.
Fifteen minutes in a Venetian park
The photos below are taken in fifteen minutes, walking about 200m.
Bicycles in Berlin
I’ve been bicycling all my life, and its one of the very few things I miss here in Venice. Berlin, on the other hand, is full of bicycles.
Black and white photography
Martina and I went and did another photography class with Marc de Tolenaere – this time on black and white photography. Much of the focus was technical: correct exposure and post production. We talked about Ansel Adams‘ zone system, and the need to make sure that important areas of the composition aren’t too dark so…
Every once in a while we spot a kingfisher when we’re paddling around in Venice and surroundings. This year it has happened surprisingly often, and as a first I have managed to get some photos with the waterproof compact cameras we carry on our tours. Kingfisher seen in Venice, Canale San Pietro: Kingfisher seen at…
Tour of the lagoon
We went for a tour around the lagoon of Venice on Sunday, up north past Burano and Torcello to the abandoned islands of Sant’Ariano, La Cura and further up to some of the fish farms in the lagoon.
No Grandi Navi
On May 9th there was a fairly large demonstration in Venice against the passage of the cruise ships in the lagoon. We went and took some photos.