Copenhagen paddle
These photos are from a short paddle in early January in Copenhagen, with our friends Per and Lise. Many thanks to Kajakhotellet for lending us the boats.
New Year at Tivoli
We spend New Year’s evening in Tivoli in Copenhagen, with a handful of Italian friends.
Reflections in Venice
Throughout October we’ve had some fantastic reflections in the water. Less traffic and a different light are probably the main reasons.
The Redentore Feast
The Redentore Feast is probably the most important popular celebration in Venice. Dinner down in the calle, fondamenta or in barca, ended by huge fireworks in the bacino afterwards. We celebrated in Riva de l’Arsenal, and enjoyed the fireworks from the nearby Ponte della Marina Veneta.
Repairing the s-ciopon
Our s-ciopon (a traditional Venetian wooden boat) is currently under repair. It started to take in a bit of water back in February, and as I was leaving for a short holiday, I had to take it out of the water. It’s been on land now for three months which is not good for a…
Gondoliere practise
Waiting for the Carnival procession on the Canal Grande at the traghetto San Samuele we enjoyed the view of two gondolieri practising the manoeuvres they need to do the operate the traghetto. They needed to turn the boat repeatedly and fast, to navigate the current and waves the other traffic caused and to enter the…
La Festa dei Veneziani
The Venetian carnival has just started, and one of the first events is the Festa dei Veneziani, which more or less implies that the rest of the carnival is not for or of the Venetians, which is also entirely true. The first part of this feast is a procession of Venetian rowing boats through most…
A day a-rowing
Last year we bought a small Venetian rowing boat, a s-ciopon, which is one of the smallest traditional Venetian boats. Usually I just fool around in the lagoon near the Certosa island, but yesterday I took it to Venice. I rowed over to the bus terminal at Piazzale Roma to pick up Martina at 19.30…
Winter project: rowing a gondola
My winter project this year is to learn how to row a gondola well enough to move around the canals of Venice. For now, however, we’re rowing in the area of the Certosa, Vignole and Sant’Erasmo Islands in the lagoon.