Month: August 2008

  • Narwhal massacre in Greenland

    Narwhal massacre in Greenland

    The Danish press has reported on a narwhal massacre in Greenland recently, where 42 narwhals have been killed, for their tusks and a limited amount of flesh. The rest of the whale were left to rot on the shore. The remains of the whales were discovered by a boatful of tourists on August 17th. The…

  • Voga alla Veneta

    Voga alla Veneta

    Today I’ve had my baptism at Voga alla Veneta. I went with Enzo, who has a small garden near the Camping San Nicolò where I stay, to the Circolo Canottieri Diadoro to try to row a bit with him. I had about half an hour on the water with Enzo, before his next appointment showed…

  • Voga alla Veneta

    Voga alla Veneta

    Tomorrow will be the basis of another anniversary. I have just made an appointment to have my first lesson of Voga alla Veneta, or rowing Venetian style, tomorrow.

  • Anniversary


    Today is my two years anniversary with sea kayaking. I did my first sea kayaking course at Kajakhotellet in Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 19th and 20th, 2006. Since then I have paddled almost 2500 km, circumnavigated the Mediterranean island of Sardinia and started a kayaking business in Venice, Italy. This is the most recent photo…

  • Terra di San Marco

    Terra di San Marco

    I’m back in Venice now, in the camping getting the last things ready before a group of Danes arrives on Sunday for a week of magic Venetian paddling. I was lucky enough to find myself a vacant window seat on the right side of the plane. The airport of Venice is built on the edge…

  • Berlusconi covers up Truth – literally

    Berlusconi covers up Truth – literally

    When Berlusconi became prime minister recently, he chose a new backdrop for press conferences. His choice fell on a 18th century painting by the Venetian artist Gianbattista Tiepolo called “Truth unveiled by Time”. It is an allegory showing Time, in the form of an old bearded man, undressing Truth, a beautiful young lady, while Lie…

  • Opus

    I clearly haven’t been following the news properly in the last few years, if I could overlook the return of my all time favourite comics character, Opus. The strip runs in, among others.