Category: Kayaking

  • St. Mark’s paddle

    St. Mark’s paddle

    April 25th is the day of St. Mark, the patron saint of Venice since his relics were taken to the city in AD 828. I haven’t heard of any official celebration, maybe because the day coincides with the national celebration of the liberation of Italy after WWII. Anyway, Marco (not San Marco, just Marco 🙂…

  • At the Pagaia symposium

    We’re getting ready for the symposium dinner tonight here in Port de la Selva in Catalonia. The trip down here by motorcycle went well, but took a bit longer than planned. We’ve really enjoyed the first two days of the symposium, even if the water is a bit cold for pleasant rolling. Now, off for…

  • Sardinia Circumnavigation

    Sardinia Circumnavigation

    Justine Curgenvan and Barry Shaw are almost on their way to Sardinia for a circumnavigation of the island. They’re in for an extraordinarily beautiful journey. I wouldn’t mind doing it again 🙂 I wish them the best of luck.

  • Weekend trip

    Weekend trip

    Its been a rather slow kayaking winter until now, I’ve only been out paddling a handful of times, plus a couple of pool sessions. This weekend I’m going to do a bit about it. My local kayak pusher is organising a weekend trip around the island I live on, Amager. The trip is just…

  • Kayak coach exam

    Kayak coach exam

    Back in August I took a kayak coach exam according to the Danish system. It was for the first of two levels, suitable for coaching beginners. Its the first time I have ever taken any kind of formal assessment of my kayaking skills. I followed the coaching course last year during the summer, but never…

  • I want to do this one day

    (photo by Mario Fletzer)

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – wind and waves

    From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – wind and waves

    Il tempo è migliorato dopo una notte con raffiche a 60 nodi, grandine e pioggia ora c’è il sole ma il bollettino parla di vento sui 35 nodi nel canale e mare agitato, a malincuore ma Michele e Massimigliano, anche su consiglio/richiesta della capitaneria di porto di Genova, rinunciano alla traversata. In ogni caso saranno…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – still waiting

    Update from Marco in Corsica: Oggi ancora tempo pessimo, vento oltre 20 nodi, qui il mare è protetto, ma appena oltre capo corso c’è mare forza 4, 5. Per il momento attendiamo. Probabilmente spostiamo la partenza a Domenica. Also today the weather is very poor, winds over 20 knots. The sea is sheltered here, but…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – Macinaggio

    From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – Macinaggio

    Arrivati a Macinaggio il tempo che ci accoglie non è dei migliori e il bollettino non ci consola, vento da sud-ovest 20 25 nodi e per domani 30 35 nodi, al largo mare agitato… Probabilmente la partenza verrà rinviata a domenica… Arrived in Macinaggio the weather that greets us is the best, and the forecast…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak

    I’m posting this on behalf of some friends of mine. Michele Ghezzo and Massimiliano Valerosi, both from Venice, are going to paddle from Macinaggio on the island of Corsica to Genova in northern Italy in a double surf ski. The journey is about a 100 nautical miles across the open sea, which they hope to…

  • Anniversary


    Today is my two years anniversary with sea kayaking. I did my first sea kayaking course at Kajakhotellet in Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 19th and 20th, 2006. Since then I have paddled almost 2500 km, circumnavigated the Mediterranean island of Sardinia and started a kayaking business in Venice, Italy. This is the most recent photo…

  • Adventure Kayak editorial

    Adventure Kayak editorial

    Tim Shuff has an editorial titled “Apologies to Everyone I’ve Ever Left in my Wake” in the summer 2008 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine, where he discusses the problem of mock waiting when paddling, based in part on my account of the things that went wrong in Sardinia in October last year between Wendy Killoran…