Category: Sardinia 2007/8
Ocean Paddler article on Sardinia
Ocean Paddler Magazine, issue 16, has an article on paddling in Sardinia by yours truly.
Adventure Kayak editorial
Tim Shuff has an editorial titled “Apologies to Everyone I’ve Ever Left in my Wake” in the summer 2008 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine, where he discusses the problem of mock waiting when paddling, based in part on my account of the things that went wrong in Sardinia in October last year between Wendy Killoran…
Parcel update III
So, the miracle has happened. The parcel sent from Barisardo in Sardinia in October last year has finally been delivered to my in-laws in Palermo, after over eight months in postal limbo. From what I hear, the content was rather smelly, so the washing machine has been working in overdrive since the parcel’s arrival. It’ll…
Parcel update II
During the first leg of the Sardinia circumnavigation I sent a parcel with excess equipment from Bari Sardo in Sardinia to a friend in Palermo. The parcel wasn’t picked up in time at the post office in Palermo, and while everybody assured me it would be returned to my address in Denmark, it wasn’t. It…
Marina di Arbus
From San Giovanni di Sinis across the mouth of the Golfo di Oristano to Capo Frasca.