Archives: Archived posts

  • Google Calendar in the Gnome panel

    I haven’t really used the calendar part of the little clock I have in my gnome panel, since its integrated with Evolution, and I use Thunderbird for my mail and Google Calendar for my calendar. The other day I decided to try out Evolution again—after all, you never know—and I subscribed to some of my…

  • Compiz 0.5 in Debian unstable

    Compiz 0.5 in Debian unstable

    Compiz 0.5 arrived in unstable a while ago. I usually run testing, but the Compiz 0.3.6 I used came from experimental. Unfortunately, an installation of Compiz 0.5 from unstable on a testing system would update libc6 and hence almost all of the system to unstable. I waited. The libc6 update passed into testing recently, and…

  • Text editing in Firefox

    Text editing in Firefox

    I’ve often been annoyed with the editing possibilities in Firefox, but now I have found a couple of useful add-ons which helps quite a bit.The first, Resizeable Textarea, does as it says. It makes all text areas, that is, multiline text input boxes, resizeable. Place the mouse over the edge of the text area, and…

  • Playlists on a Nokia 6131

    Nokia has in their infinite wisdom decided to make playlists in the media player of my Nokia 6131 phone a complete mess. They claim the phone supports M3U playlists, but if you copy one to the phone using a cable or bluetooth, you just get a “Unsupported media type” message. So much for support. Playlist…

  • Nokia N800 firmware upgrade 3.2007.10-7

    Nokia released a new firmware for the N800 tablets, and I flashed mine yesterday. It was by far the easiest upgrade ever. I took a backup first and stored it on the internal flash card, and flashed the unit as per the instructions. One of the first questions asked was if I wanted a backup…

  • Printing photos on a HP Color LaserJet 2550

    This command prints nicely coloured photos on the laser printer: lp -o scaling=100 -o landscape -o PageRegion=A4 -o PageSize=A4 -o HPOption_PaperPolicy=Scale -o HPEdgeControl=Off -o HPColorSmart=Automatic -o HPRGBEmulation=Vivid -o MediaType=Glossy photo.jpg The media type will probably have to be adjusted to match the paper used. This command will show all the available options: lpoptions -l

  • Gnome desktop links open in epiphany

    At some point recently desktop links have started to open in Epiphany, no matter what I do. I have set Firefox as my preferred browser and I have checked all entries in /etc/alternatives, and everything says ‘firefox’. Still, a link on my desktop will always open in Epiphany, whether I have Firefox running or not.…

  • Battery related freezes (solved)

    I have previously had problems with my laptop freezing spontaneously when running on battery power. Somewhat by chance I have discovered the reason, in the sense that if I disable laptop-mode the freezes don’t happen anymore. For now I have simply uninstalled laptop-mode-tools.

  • Streaming MP3s to Itunes

    I have much of my legally purchased music on the computer, like most people these days. I have it as MP3s and share it between linux computers with NFS and with my Nokia 770 Internet Tablet using an Apache2 module. I recently bought a Mac mini computer, in part with the intent of using it…

  • Xprint font nuisance

    Xprint has some font issues which causes letters to run together in a rather unreadable way, a bit like in ancient greek where they didn’t write the spaces between the words 🙂 Itdoestendtomakethetexthardertoread. The solution is to remove the copy of the PostScript fonts Xprint installs for itself rm -fr /usr/share/Xprint/xserver/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts* and restart xprint /etc/init.d/xprint…

  • Checking Debian hardware compatibility

    This site is absolutely great for finding the right drivers and checking hardware compatibility: Just paste the output of lspci -n into the form and it’ll tell what is supported and by which drivers. It couldn’t be easier.

  • Citrix client for Debian

    I’ve been running the Citrix client for linux for a while and it works quite well, even though I have a hard time getting used to having Windows windows on my display. It feels unclean 🙂 but its better than running Windows to get the job done. Anyway, it doesn’t take all that much. Download…