René’s old blog

This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.

Sorry about that.

If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.

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Most recent posts

  • Season is over

    Season is over

    So the kayaking season is over here in Venice, and I’m heading back home now. I have most things packed, and just need to check oil on the motorbike before I’m off, heading north towards Denmark, Copenhagen and Valentina and Jamil. Yesterday I had a very interesting meeting with Maria and Andrea from Venice Canoe…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – wind and waves

    From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – wind and waves

    Il tempo è migliorato dopo una notte con raffiche a 60 nodi, grandine e pioggia ora c’è il sole ma il bollettino parla di vento sui 35 nodi nel canale e mare agitato, a malincuore ma Michele e Massimigliano, anche su consiglio/richiesta della capitaneria di porto di Genova, rinunciano alla traversata. In ogni caso saranno…

  • Canottieri Diadora

    Canottieri Diadora

    The Canottieri Diadora is the Venetian rowing club where I have been taking voga alla veneta lessons recently. It is a very old rowing club, with a very particular history. The club was founded in 1898 in Zara in Dalmatia, modern day Zadar in Croatia, by a small group of rowers of mostly Venetian descent.…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – still waiting

    Update from Marco in Corsica: Oggi ancora tempo pessimo, vento oltre 20 nodi, qui il mare è protetto, ma appena oltre capo corso c’è mare forza 4, 5. Per il momento attendiamo. Probabilmente spostiamo la partenza a Domenica. Also today the weather is very poor, winds over 20 knots. The sea is sheltered here, but…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – Macinaggio

    From Corsica to Genoa in kayak – Macinaggio

    Arrivati a Macinaggio il tempo che ci accoglie non è dei migliori e il bollettino non ci consola, vento da sud-ovest 20 25 nodi e per domani 30 35 nodi, al largo mare agitato… Probabilmente la partenza verrà rinviata a domenica… Arrived in Macinaggio the weather that greets us is the best, and the forecast…

  • From Corsica to Genoa in kayak

    I’m posting this on behalf of some friends of mine. Michele Ghezzo and Massimiliano Valerosi, both from Venice, are going to paddle from Macinaggio on the island of Corsica to Genova in northern Italy in a double surf ski. The journey is about a 100 nautical miles across the open sea, which they hope to…

  • Vogando a poppa

    Yesterday I had my first real lesson in Voga alla Veneta, the Venetian style of rowing standing up. I went out with Lino, one of the coaches at the Canottieri Diadora on the Lido di Venezia, in a mascareta like the other two times I have tried it. The first two times I’ve tried to…

  • Vogando


    My little voga alla veneta adventure continues, at a slow but accelerating pace. I haven’t had a chance to try it again as work paddling around Venice with tourists have taken almost all my time, but today Enzo gave me a call and asked if I wanted to try again today. I threw down a…

  • A Busy Paddling Bee

    Its been a busy week. I’ve had a group of ten Danes here in Venice for the part week, with an assistant guide from our partner kajakhotellet in Denmark. Its been a great week. We’ve done some fantastic paddles, in Venice and in the lagoon, by day and by night. As one participant said this…