This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.
Sorry about that.
If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.
Some featured posts
I have tried for ages to de-google. Not just from Google itself, but all the big ones — Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon. However, de-googling is not easy.
Koha Library Software
Setting up a library management system like Koha is not easy, but once it’s done, registering and cataloguing your books is very easy.
Across the river, into the trees
I spent a good deal of January and February 2021 on a movie set, but it wasn’t a very positive experience
See all featured posts.
Most recent posts
The Gondola Blog
By chance one day I stumbled over the Gondola Blog by Greg Mohr, who nurtures a burning passion for gondolas. He is, as he states on his blogger profile, a gondola fanatic. There are quite a few gondolas in the USA. One day I visited the Squero Tramontin in Venice, Roberto Tramontin told that there…
Video of Berlusconi’s ‘compliment’ to Obama
The Guardian has a video of Berlusconi followed by a few interviews with ‘common’ Italians. Video: Italians rage at Silvio Berlusconi’s ‘racist’ Barack Obama comment The Repubblica has another one with clips from many countries. L’abbronzato fa il giro del mondo. The Corriere reports that Obama has called the leaders of all the G7 nations,…
Berlusconi compliments Obama on his “tan”
The election of Obama in the USA hasn’t gone down so well within the Italian government. Prime minister Berlusconi literally adored Bush, and apparently aren’t able to hide his disappointment with the election of Obama. While on an official visit in Moscow, Berlusconi answered a question about the election of Obama with a “Barack Obama?…
If London Were Like Venice
If London Were Like Venice – Oh! That It Were! – by Signor Somers L. Summers
Kayak coach exam
Back in August I took a kayak coach exam according to the Danish system. It was for the first of two levels, suitable for coaching beginners. Its the first time I have ever taken any kind of formal assessment of my kayaking skills. I followed the coaching course last year during the summer, but never…
Flightless heron
I met a grey heron the other day when I walked along the old fortifications near my home. Its not all that unusual, they’re getting quite common around here, even in the centre of town. Most often we see them wading in the low water under the brink or sitting in the top of small…
Ecological Footprint
The WWF has just released a report – the Living Planet Report 2008 – about the ecological footprint for various countries around the world. The population of Denmark has the fourth largest ecological footprint per capita, mostly due to our very high CO2 emissions and an excessive consumption of meat, which requires much land to…
More expensive flights to Venice 🙁
Sterling Airlines, the company I have normally used for low fare flights to and from Venice, has just filed for bankruptcy today. It’ll be a few months before I’m heading back to Venice, but I wonder what this will do to prices. It never was a great company to fly with, but they were cheap…