This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.
Sorry about that.
If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.
Some featured posts
I have tried for ages to de-google. Not just from Google itself, but all the big ones — Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon. However, de-googling is not easy.
Koha Library Software
Setting up a library management system like Koha is not easy, but once it’s done, registering and cataloguing your books is very easy.
Across the river, into the trees
I spent a good deal of January and February 2021 on a movie set, but it wasn’t a very positive experience
See all featured posts.
Most recent posts
Consequences of recent kayaking ban in Venice
The City of Venice has banned kayaks in Venice at almost all times, so Venice Kayak can only do a few of the tours advertised on our web site.
Ban on kayaking in Venice
Venice bans kayaks and other small boats, favouring damaging and polluting motor traffic over lighter ecological and sustainable means of transport. A ban on kayaking is not the right way forward for Venice.
Garbage collection – Venetian style
Garbage collection in Venice is unique in that it is almost entirely done by hand, door to door.
Fog in Venice
Sometimes in autumn and winter Venice becomes enveloped in dense fog, and it becomes a mysterious and haunting place.
Winter in Venice
Winter in Venice rarely includes snow, but we’ve had a few days with snow recently. It doesn’t happen very often. Last time with lots of snow was in 2012.
Fifteen minutes in a Venetian park
The photos below are taken in fifteen minutes, walking about 200m.
Bicycles in Berlin
I’ve been bicycling all my life, and its one of the very few things I miss here in Venice. Berlin, on the other hand, is full of bicycles.
Lio Piccolo
While I’ve kayaked a lot around much of the lagoon, I’ve never been to some of the northernmost parts. My friend Selina took me up there by car, looking for flamingos.