Category: IT
Fairphone 4 and sensors
A Fairphone4, which has had UBports installed, doesn’t show most sensors to a later installation of Android.
StarLite tablet and Debian Testing
I’ve installed Debian testing (Trixie) on a StarLite tablet from Starlaps Systems, and everything just worked.
Changing owner of a calendar in Nextcloud
How to move a Nextcloud calendar from one user to another.
A WordPress-Nextcloud writing workflow
My writing workflow is half WordPress, half Nextcloud, half Markdown, half HTML.
Paste with two-finger tap in Wayland [solved]
Wayland once didn’t have the option to paste using a two-finger tap, but it does now, albeit a bit hidden.
synogear install
The command “synogear install” will install a hidden DiagnosticTools package on a Synology NAS.
Hyphens and dashes in WordPress
One or more hyphens in WordPress can produce a single hyphen (-), an en dash (–) or an em dash (—), but it’s not entirely straightforward.
I have tried for ages to de-google. Not just from Google itself, but all the big ones — Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon. However, de-googling is not easy.
ActitivityPub and DDOS
Sharing your WordPress posts through ActivityPub has a price – your web server needs to be configured properly
Synology DS720+ and NVME drives – followup
A while ago I managed to use the NVME drives on a Synology DS720+ NAS as drives, which has worked fine — until today.
WordPress Full Site Editing
Trying to wrap my head around how to manage and create themes with the new full site editing framework in Wordpress.