This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.
Sorry about that.
If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.
Some featured posts
I have tried for ages to de-google. Not just from Google itself, but all the big ones — Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon. However, de-googling is not easy.
Koha Library Software
Setting up a library management system like Koha is not easy, but once it’s done, registering and cataloguing your books is very easy.
Across the river, into the trees
I spent a good deal of January and February 2021 on a movie set, but it wasn’t a very positive experience
See all featured posts.
Most recent posts
Spy in your pocket
Nobody expected the Shining City upon the Hill to cave in to corporate fascism as easy as it did. Fascism is, in the words of Mussolini himself, corporativism — the merger of the state with big business. With state power and corporate power merged, the little guy and gal will lose. Common people have no…
Fairphone 4 and sensors
A Fairphone4, which has had UBports installed, doesn’t show most sensors to a later installation of Android.
WordPress drama
The recent drama between Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine has shown clearly what a debacle WordPress governance is.
StarLite tablet and Debian Testing
I’ve installed Debian testing (Trixie) on a StarLite tablet from Starlaps Systems, and everything just worked.
Changing owner of a calendar in Nextcloud
How to move a Nextcloud calendar from one user to another.
A WordPress-Nextcloud writing workflow
My writing workflow is half WordPress, half Nextcloud, half Markdown, half HTML.
Paste with two-finger tap in Wayland [solved]
Wayland once didn’t have the option to paste using a two-finger tap, but it does now, albeit a bit hidden.
Post length with ActivityPub
The ActivtyPub plugin is great, but too often sends way too long posts to the Fediverse