Category: Kayaking

  • Sardinia at last

    Sardinia at last

    We’re in Sardinia now. Everything went surprisingly well with the ferry and boarding with both kayaks and a motorcycle. We did have a few scares of continued back luck. Just as we were to board my camera died. Just woundn’t turn on, not even with a battery that worked in Wendy’s camera. Bummer! I managed.…

  • Paddling in Sardinia

    Paddling in Sardinia

    So, we’re finally on the water in Sardinia. We started at 16 o’clock and paddled for two hours. We’re still quite close to Cagliari, but we’ve started and it feels almost like an achievement after all the problems we’ve had in the last weeks. We’re camping on a small beach just besides Cagliari Yacht Club.

  • Kayak transportation in Italy

    Kayak transportation in Italy

    Thinking about driving in Italy with a kayak? Better rethink. Don’t even consider doing it in a rented vehicle. This is the story of a very long and quite expensive journey from Venice to Civitavecchia, a distance of about 550 km of which over 400 km on highways. It shouldn’t be more than half a…

  • Sponsor day

    Sponsor day

    Most of the stuff from our North American sponsors have been shipped to Wendy in Canada, so only now when Wendy has arrived here in Venice to save me from all my problems have I had the possibility to actually see the things we have received. There was way too much in Wendy’s massive duffel…

  • Just another day in the lagoon

    Today I went paddling in the lagoon with my Venetian friend Marco and his friend Damien from Padova. We didn’t have any particular plans, just paddle and have fun. Here’s Damien in his rusty old kayak And here’s Marco in the Current Design Solstice that Wendy is going to paddle around Sardinia (Marco has a…

  • Change of plans

    Change of plans

    Any adventure involves coping with the unexpected and the unforeseen. Unfortunately, I have had a solid dose of unexpected and unforeseen even before the start of our journey, as I lost all my personal and vehicle documents on the way to Italy two weeks ago. I left Denmark early to guide a group of Danish…

  • Little surprises in the lagoon

    Little surprises in the lagoon

    Today’s paddle became rather special, for a number of reasons. I started in the afternoon after a morning’s hard work at the internet café. Their coffee is appallingly good, but paddling need to be done. First thing, I encountered the first paddler ever in the lagoon, except of course Marco who always complains that nobody…

  • Escape Kayak Centre, Göteborg

    Escape Kayak Centre, Göteborg

    After the Stockenträffen in Orust, Sweden, Wendy and I went to Göteborg with Sara and Johan from Escape Kayak Centre. Wendy has agreed to do her Newfoundland presentation at Escape on Tuesday evening, so we had two whole days there. Dubside who had been touring southern Sweden with Escape in the weeks up to the…

  • Stockenträffen


    Wendy and I are just back from the annual Stockenträffen in Sweden. We went there on Thursday afternoon with Freya Hoffmeister in her huge van. The weather forecast had promised force 5-6 winds and regular showers, but fortunately we only got the former. We had arranged for kayaks from Escape Kayak Centre in Gothenborg, but…

  • Stockenträffen

    So Wendy and I are off to Orust for the Stockenträffen sea kayak meet-up. We’ll be leaving today when Freya Hoffmeister picks us up here in Copenhagen and we’ll go with her to Orust. There we’ll have fun and play with all the others. Among the presenters are Nigel Foster, Dubside and Freya. After the…