Tag: Kayaks

  • Sponsored by Skim Kayaks

    Sponsored by Skim Kayaks

    When I started looking for sponsors for the circumnavigation of Sardinia and Sicily with Wendy Killoran, Skim Kayaks in Sweden were the very first I contacted for support. I know their kayaks well from Kajakhotellet here in Copenhagen, where I have paddled both models, and quite a few of my friends have Skim kayaks and…

  • Escape Kayak Centre, Göteborg

    Escape Kayak Centre, Göteborg

    After the Stockenträffen in Orust, Sweden, Wendy and I went to Göteborg with Sara and Johan from Escape Kayak Centre. Wendy has agreed to do her Newfoundland presentation at Escape on Tuesday evening, so we had two whole days there. Dubside who had been touring southern Sweden with Escape in the weeks up to the…

  • Stockenträffen


    Wendy and I are just back from the annual Stockenträffen in Sweden. We went there on Thursday afternoon with Freya Hoffmeister in her huge van. The weather forecast had promised force 5-6 winds and regular showers, but fortunately we only got the former. We had arranged for kayaks from Escape Kayak Centre in Gothenborg, but…

  • Anas Acuta

    Anas Acuta

    A short while ago I had the happy fortune of stumbling over an Anas Acuta at Kajakhotellet. The Anas Acuta is a rather rare bird around here, since they’re usually sold before they even arrive in the shop. From what I hear Valley has a problem keeping production up with demand. In any case, this…

  • Toys, toys, toys …

    Toys, toys, toys …

    I’m a happy little boy right now. Tomorrow I will get a Rockpool Menai 18 on loan for a month, and today I got my motorcycle back from the workshop. The motorcycle, a Yamaha TDM 850 from 1993, has been sitting idle in the garage for over two years now. I bought it in Italy…

  • Paddling home

    Paddling home

    Today I paddled home from the beach park. Almost as usual, somebody had taken my kayak for use in a beginners course at Kajakhotellet, so I had to settle for something else. First I laid my greedy eyes on a Skim Distance which I haven’t tried yet, but then someone pretending to be a buying…

  • Saltholm, Flakfortet and the Wind Turbines

    Saltholm, Flakfortet and the Wind Turbines

    Today’s paddle took me a bit around the strait of Øresund. I started at the shop, Kajakhotellet.dk, and first I just planned to do on of the usual tours in the vicinity, but the sea was so calm and the sun was shining from a clear sky, so I changed plans and paddled to Saltholm,…

  • Thursday’s paddle

    Every Thursday my local kayak shop has a come-along paddle, just for a few hours after work. It is free for all, but yesterday we were only five, two coaches, two aspirant coaches and a girl that helps in the shop. We took one of the common trips, to the local lighthouse and back, which…

  • Rockpool’s Menai 18

    Rockpool’s Menai 18

    Yesterday I went back to Varberg in Sweden to try the Rockpool Menai 18. I had made an appointment with Sara from Escape Kajakcenter in Gothenborg, Sweden, that they would bring a Menai 18 and an Alaw Bach to Varberg for trying. The famous surfing beach at Varberg was just as waveless as the last…

  • Back to Sweden

    Back to Sweden

    I went to Sweden last week to try the Rockpool Alaw and the Alaw Bach at the Escape Kajakcenter in Göteborg. At that point I didn’t know that the Menai 18 was in production, so I didn’t try it. Now I have to go back, either to Varberg or Göteborg, to try that out, before…

  • Rockpool Alaw and Alaw Bach

    Rockpool Alaw and Alaw Bach

    So I have managed to spend a whole day from 7am to 8pm just to get a few hours on the water in two Rockpool kayaks: the Alaw and the Alaw Bach. They are only sold in a few places, one of which is Escape Kajakcenter in Göteborg, Sweden. They had a course that day…

  • Finally Kayak Owner

    Finally Kayak Owner

    We started paddling mid August, and have since been kayaking two or three times a week, and we’ve logged almost 200 km each in less than three months. Rental kayak costs are mounting and the economy starting pointing towards buying our own kayaks and gear. Fortunately, we have had very good possibilities to try various…