René's old blog
Whatever I feel like posting, whenever
This site goes back some twenty-five years, so it is bound to be full of stale links and irrelevant information. It is, at best, updated irregularly.
We’re on the island of Elba now. Venice Kayak had three kayaks from Sea Kayak Design delivered there quite some time ago, with the intent of picking them up there some time ago, but nothing went as planned and we…
The Redentore
We went to see the fireworks in Venice on Saturday evening, for the Redentore Feast. I have never seen the city so crowded, and Venice is often crowded, but the fireworks were simply spectacular. It was absolutely the greatest firework…
The Redentore Feast
Tonight is the night of the Redentore feast here in Venice. We’ll take the bus to the city, where we’ll meet my friend Marco and some of his friends on a sail boat to watch the fireworks. We’ve never seen…
Parcel update III
So, the miracle has happened. The parcel sent from Barisardo in Sardinia in October last year has finally been delivered to my in-laws in Palermo, after over eight months in postal limbo. From what I hear, the content was rather…
The Sea Stallion at sea
The Sea Stallion, a reconstruction of a thousand years old viking longship, has departed Dublin on a 1400 nautical miles journey back to Denmark. They expect to arrive on August 9th. The ship is a replica of a 30m longship,…
Parcel update II
During the first leg of the Sardinia circumnavigation I sent a parcel with excess equipment from Bari Sardo in Sardinia to a friend in Palermo. The parcel wasn’t picked up in time at the post office in Palermo, and while…
Photos from Sardinia
All the photos from the entire journey in Sardinia
From Chia to Cagliari
From Sant’Antioco around Capo Teulado to Chia, 53km.
Sant’Antioco day two
Rest day in Sant’Antioco
From Buggerru to Sant’Antioco
From Marina di Arbus to Buggerru today, rounding Capo Pecora, 25km