René’s old blog

This site is some twenty-five years old, and it contains lots of ancient stuff, much of it utterly dated and useless.

Sorry about that.

If anything, I post very unevenly, and about whatever occupies me.

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Most recent posts

  • Finally


    (Entry written yesterday evening but not posted due to lack of mobile connectivity) Today I finally got started. I’ve made it a short day, for various reasons, so I’ve just paddled 15.5km from Fertilia to Cala della Speranza. Tomorrow I will try to get to Bosa Marina. This morning couldn’t have been more different from…

  • Deluge


    The forecast said thunderstorms in the night and morning, and thunderstorms we got. The first came at 4 in the morning, and gave me a good idea about why some people find thunder scary. It was just overhead, lightning almost continually while a constant thunder rolled back and forth over the sky. After the thunder…

  • Sometimes you have to go back to go forth

    Sometimes you have to go back to go forth

    I’m back in Fertilia today, almost ready to continue the journey around Sardinia. Francesco drove me and my gear from Cardedu to Fertilia this afternoon, and I am now well installed in a camping a few hundred metres from where I stopped last year. The local weather forecast promises a thunderstorm tonight or in the…

  • Roberto Durzu

    Last year, when we started our circumnavigation of Sardinia, our very first camp site was on a little beach behind the Marina Piccola at Poetto, on the outskirts of Cagliari. In the morning Wendy left on foot to buy or find something, I don’t remember what, and took her time. When she came back, she…

  • Golfo di Orosei

    Golfo di Orosei

    Franceso and i had planned to paddle to Cala Goloritzé in the Golfo di Orosei yesterday, and we got up early and set off fetching kayaks at a local camping where Francesco keeps par of his gear, and then on the road to Santa Maria Navarrese. We launched in calm weather, a force 2 scirocco…

  • Arrived in Cardedu

    I arrived in Cardedu in the afternoon on Saturday, and I was hardly in the door at Francesco’s before he declared that we were going fishing in kayak that afternoon. It is like that at Francesco’s house. It is very hard not to end up paddling most of the time. We went to a local…

  • Highway holidays

    I’ve spent today exploring a few North Italian motorways. The A4 from Venice towards Milan is nice and spacious, but it was much too wet for my taste. It rained on and off for most of the time, and the lateral decorations are mostly urban and industrial in nature. All in all practical but not…

  • Skim Dipper

    I just noticed that Skim Kayaks have a new model out, the Skim Dipper. They haven’t put up much information about it yet, except that it is 536cm long (17ft 7in) and 51.5cm wide (20.3in). There are some photos linked from the front page. It seems to be a middle thing between the Skim Dex…

  • Returning to Sardinia

    Returning to Sardinia

    I have now booked the ferry to Sardinia for the last leg of my circumnavigation of the island. In a few days time I will push the Skim Distance back in the water exactly where I pulled it up last year, and finish what I set out to do last year. On Friday I’m off…