Tag: Venice
Camouflage, Burano style
On Burano orange, lime, lilac and pink are viable camouflage colours. Burano is known for its brightly coloured houses, and its a fun pass time to search for houses matching people’s clothes. You don’t need to stand out just because you’re wearing pink.
Redentore 2011
The Redentore Feast is one of the major annual celebrations in Venice, and one with a massive local participation. It takes place on the third Sunday of July, and on the evening before there is a huge display of fireworks just before midnight. It usually last around 45 minutes. I went there with a bunch…
Training in the lagoon
This guy just went up and down a short stretch of lagoon canal behind the Vignole, training in a little corner sheltered from the winds of the day.
Working boats
Venetian boats at work. There’s a green grocer on a boat behind the gondola, and a topo to the right. Three different uses for boats in Venice.
The Naviglio di Brenta
The Naviglio di Brenta is the old part of the river Brenta, which had its estuary in the Lagoon of Venice close to Fusina. After the demise of the city of Torcello in the 11th adn 12th century, the Venetian understood the cause. The river Sile had made a vast delta behind Torcello, causing the…
Launching from a beach
For almost four years I’ve been doing my kayaking tours of Venice from a camp site on the Lido di Venezia. It has been, and is, in many ways a good launch spot close to Venice, but it is not without its drawbacks. The shore there is a road which is 1-2m over the water…
UFO – Unidentified Floating Object
When paddling around Venice we often see slightly weird boats around — different shapes, odd names, alternative behaviour — but the other day I encountered something in a category of its own. I tried to get a good photo of it, but waterproof point-and-shoot cameras aren’t always that great for taking photographs, so this was…
At the end of the year we’re supposed to reflect on the year that passed. I have found that a bit hard this year, so I’ve decided to leave the reflections to the vaporetto (water bus) platforms of Venice. They do a good job at reflecting 🙂 Santa Maria della Salute Santa Maria della Salute…
Lessico Veneto – Malamocco
I recently found some scanned books from Venice of times past. One of them is a kind of historical encyclopedia from the mid 19th century, and I must say it has its little oddities 🙂 The entry for Malamocco – a small hamlet on the Lido di Venezia with a glorious past – reads: Malamocco,…
Female Gondoliere
Until recently all gondoliere in Venice were men. This summer a Venetian woman, the daughter of a gondoliere, decided to try the exam, and she passed it as the first woman ever. New gondoliere will start to work as substitutes for the older gondoliere, taking their turns when they’re unable to do so. They also…
Acqua Alta
Yesterday we had one of the first acqua alta‘s of the winter. It wasn’t exceptionally high, reaching a level of 100cm above the historical average water level, but it was just enough to wet a few places around the city, and more than enough to ground all but a few of the gondolas of the…