Tag: Venice

  • Venice frozen 80 years ago

    On Febraury 18, 1929, 80 years ago tomorrow, the lagoon of Venice froze over during a very harsh winter. It was possible to walk from Venice to Murano and people could go skating on Canal Grande. Here’s a video with pictures from back then:

  • Drunk sailing to be banned in Venice

    Drunk sailing to be banned in Venice

    It has been illegal to drive under influence in Italy for ages, but not in Venice. In Venice they don’t drive, they sail, and in Italy is hasn’t been illegal to sail a boat while drunk or under the influence of drugs. This is about to change now.

  • Exceptional high tide in Venice

    Exceptional high tide in Venice

    The high tide in Venice today was even higher than forecast, reaching a level of 156cm above the historical average. This is the fourth highest level in the last 135 years. In 1966 the tide reached 194cm, 166cm in 1979 and 159cm in 1986. About two thirds of the city has been under water, with…

  • High tide in Venice

    High tide in Venice

    Tomorrow the tide in Venice will be exceptionally high, what they call the acqua alta. Normal high tides are about 80-90cm above the historical average, but a combination of rain and wind will push the tide higher tomorrow, up to around 120cm above the historical average, which means that about one third of the city…

  • I want to do this one day

    (photo by Mario Fletzer)

  • Season is over

    Season is over

    So the kayaking season is over here in Venice, and I’m heading back home now. I have most things packed, and just need to check oil on the motorbike before I’m off, heading north towards Denmark, Copenhagen and Valentina and Jamil. Yesterday I had a very interesting meeting with Maria and Andrea from Venice Canoe…

  • Canottieri Diadora

    Canottieri Diadora

    The Canottieri Diadora is the Venetian rowing club where I have been taking voga alla veneta lessons recently. It is a very old rowing club, with a very particular history. The club was founded in 1898 in Zara in Dalmatia, modern day Zadar in Croatia, by a small group of rowers of mostly Venetian descent.…

  • Vogando a poppa

    Yesterday I had my first real lesson in Voga alla Veneta, the Venetian style of rowing standing up. I went out with Lino, one of the coaches at the Canottieri Diadora on the Lido di Venezia, in a mascareta like the other two times I have tried it. The first two times I’ve tried to…

  • Vogando


    My little voga alla veneta adventure continues, at a slow but accelerating pace. I haven’t had a chance to try it again as work paddling around Venice with tourists have taken almost all my time, but today Enzo gave me a call and asked if I wanted to try again today. I threw down a…

  • Voga alla Veneta

    Voga alla Veneta

    Today I’ve had my baptism at Voga alla Veneta. I went with Enzo, who has a small garden near the Camping San Nicolò where I stay, to the Circolo Canottieri Diadoro to try to row a bit with him. I had about half an hour on the water with Enzo, before his next appointment showed…

  • Voga alla Veneta

    Voga alla Veneta

    Tomorrow will be the basis of another anniversary. I have just made an appointment to have my first lesson of Voga alla Veneta, or rowing Venetian style, tomorrow.

  • Anniversary


    Today is my two years anniversary with sea kayaking. I did my first sea kayaking course at Kajakhotellet in Copenhagen, Denmark, on August 19th and 20th, 2006. Since then I have paddled almost 2500 km, circumnavigated the Mediterranean island of Sardinia and started a kayaking business in Venice, Italy. This is the most recent photo…