René's old blog
Whatever I feel like posting, whenever
This site goes back some twenty-five years, so it is bound to be full of stale links and irrelevant information. It is, at best, updated irregularly.
So I have managed to spend a whole day from 7am to 8pm just to get a few hours on the water in two Rockpool kayaks: the Alaw and the Alaw Bach. They are only sold in a few places,…
Nigel Foster visit
Nigel Foster visited my local kayak dealer, Kajakhotellet.dk, on May 17th and 18th. I participated on the 18th. Nigel Foster is a very soft spoken man. He explains a thing, demonstrates it and sends us of to try it. At…
Less than impressive rolling demo
Now I can roll 🙂
I’ve finally learned to roll solidly so it is now the exception that it fails rather than the other way around. The roll that works best for me is a standard Greenland roll, or sweep roll. Until now I’ve only…
Photos from the Symposium in Spain
I’ve been using dpkg, apt-get and apt-cache for a long time, but since I got a new laptop with a fresh install of Debian testing I have been playing with new toys. One is aptitude. I found the curses-based interface…
Saltholm, Seals and Sea Lanes
A few weeks ago we got our Reed Paddle Suits, and we had to try them immediately. The weather was nice and calm – there wasn’t a wind blowing and wave height were to be measured in centimeters – so…
Blog moved to WordPress
I finally got my act together at moved this blog to WordPress. There’s still a few lose ends, some uploaded pictures are missing and will have to be added by hand, and the top graphic needs replacing. It’ll probably make…
More Kayak Photos
I have picked some of the better photos from the excursions we’ve made, and uploaded them to Flickr. There’s a least a few worth looking at 🙂
Finally Kayak Owner
We started paddling mid August, and have since been kayaking two or three times a week, and we’ve logged almost 200 km each in less than three months. Rental kayak costs are mounting and the economy starting pointing towards buying…
Suction Cup Camera Mounts
It can be a bit difficult shooting pictures when you’re sitting in your kayak, especially if there’s a bit of action around you, and it can be impractical having the camera dangling around your wrist when paddling or manoeuvring. Fortunately,…
Waterproff cameras
If you want to take photos from your kayak, you’ll want a waterproof camera that’s easy to operate. I certainly wouldn’t recommend taking you expensive SLR 🙂 I have search a bit on the net, and apparently there are only…