René's old blog

Whatever I feel like posting, whenever

This site goes back some twenty-five years, so it is bound to be full of stale links and irrelevant information. It is, at best, updated irregularly.

  • When the last participants from Kajakhotellet’s tour to Venice left yesterday, most were complaining about returning to the gloomy weather of the cold North. We had brilliant weather all week, sunshine and temperatures of 25-30º C. Had they known how…

  • On my way down here I managed to lose just about every important document I have. I only had one credit card left. Incredibly I have managed to lose that as well. I kept it in a small plastic bag…

  • On our way down to Italy we passed by Varese near Milan to visit Nicola de Florio of Avatak Pagaie. Nicola had promised Wendy and me an Avatak paddle each for our journey, and he has kept his promise twice…

  • I started by three month journey in Italy by driving from Copenhagen to Venice on motorbike. On the way I passed Avatak Paddles in Varese to pick up a consignment for and the paddles Nicola has made for Wendy…

  • I had the new Skim Distance out for a short paddle today. The colours of the boat are beautiful, but the weather was a bit dark and cloudy. That’ll be better in Sicily and Sardinia 🙂 Each time I try…

  • When I started looking for sponsors for the circumnavigation of Sardinia and Sicily with Wendy Killoran, Skim Kayaks in Sweden were the very first I contacted for support. I know their kayaks well from Kajakhotellet here in Copenhagen, where I…

  • After the Stockenträffen in Orust, Sweden, Wendy and I went to Göteborg with Sara and Johan from Escape Kayak Centre. Wendy has agreed to do her Newfoundland presentation at Escape on Tuesday evening, so we had two whole days there.…

  • Wendy and I are just back from the annual Stockenträffen in Sweden. We went there on Thursday afternoon with Freya Hoffmeister in her huge van. The weather forecast had promised force 5-6 winds and regular showers, but fortunately we only…

  • So Wendy and I are off to Orust for the Stockenträffen sea kayak meet-up. We’ll be leaving today when Freya Hoffmeister picks us up here in Copenhagen and we’ll go with her to Orust. There we’ll have fun and play…

  • September 10 to 16, 2007

  • A short while ago I had the happy fortune of stumbling over an Anas Acuta at Kajakhotellet. The Anas Acuta is a rather rare bird around here, since they’re usually sold before they even arrive in the shop. From what…

  • Wendy Killoran said to buy Greek Island Insistent rumors will that noted Canadian sea kayaker Wendy Killoran has obtained sponsorship for buying a Greek island as a future base for further kayak exploration of the Greek seas. The island appears…