René's old blog
Whatever I feel like posting, whenever
This site goes back some twenty-five years, so it is bound to be full of stale links and irrelevant information. It is, at best, updated irregularly.
I just noticed that Skim Kayaks have a new model out, the Skim Dipper. They haven’t put up much information about it yet, except that it is 536cm long (17ft 7in) and 51.5cm wide (20.3in). There are some photos linked…
Returning to Sardinia
I have now booked the ferry to Sardinia for the last leg of my circumnavigation of the island. In a few days time I will push the Skim Distance back in the water exactly where I pulled it up last…
Nigel Foster’s Whiskey 16
Venice Kayak has taken delivery of one of the very first of Nigel Foster‘s new design, the Point 65º Whiskey 16. Nigel Foster himself took it for its virgin paddle in the lagoon at Bibione. There are more photos of…
Bibione Weekend
It has been a busy weekend here at the Bibione Kayak Symposium, as it should be. Expecting a rush on Saturday, I signed up for classes on Friday, so I was out of the way of the way for the…
Bibione Kayak Symposium
A bit delayed, as is normal and indeed expected here in Italy, I’ve arrived here at the Capalonga Camping for the first Bibione Kayak Symposium. It was a 90km drive from Venice, with side bags on the motorcycle, the tent…
Vogalonga 2008
The Vogalonga is a celebration of Venice and its rowing traditions, and in part also a protest against the invasion of the city by motorised vessels.
Tour of Venice
Tomorrow is Vogalonga day, and we’re on our way to bed so we can get up in time for the start at 9 in the St. Mark’s basin. Today we’ve had a group of Vogalonga participants on a tour on…
Vogalonga camping
Here’s a few photos from the Camping San Nicolò this afternoon as the participants of this years Vogalonga started settling in.
Vogalonga weekend
My blogging is way behind schedule. My last post is one week and 2000 km old. Right now I’m sitting on the ferry boat from Venice to the Lido, as part of the weekends move from Mestre to the Lido.…
Horisont Kajak
Today I kept the appointment I missed last week. I’ve been to Stockholm again to meet Carin and Lars from Horisont Kajak. Horisont Kajak does coaching and excursions in the skerries around Stockholm. They are far from the largest kayak…
Back to Stockholm
I’m heading back to Stockholm on Tuesday for a short visit to Horisont Kajak. I was supposed to meet with Carin and Lars on last Thursday, but failed to make it within the time constraints I was travelling under. Now…
Tour of Sweden
I’ve spend most of the last days roaming parts of southern and central Sweden. All in all I did some 1500 km in three days, but only managed to keep two of my three appointments. On Wednesday I drove from…